The Story of Cleanout Beauty
肌膚 . 斷 . 捨離
向有害嘅護膚品成份SAY NO!
店主一直熱衷於研究護膚品成份並於 2017 年修畢澳洲 Institute of Personal Care Science 的 Diploma of Personal Care Formulation,現在終於有機會可以將自己的興趣和專業知識發展成事業,透過 Cleanout Beauty 為大家精心挑選一些成份簡單而無害嘅護膚品。
本店取名 Cleanout Beauty 是希望可以為大家帶來更多關於 clean beauty 的知識與資訊,一起為自己的皮膚及身體著想,摒棄各種主流護膚品
我們為大家悉心搜羅世界各地無害、成份簡單、高效的小眾品牌護膚品。全部產品都經由店主親身試用,詳細了解護膚成分,從而將品牌中最好的並價錢合理的護膚品介紹給大家。我們只售賣無論對肌膚或大自然都零負擔的天然護膚品! 一切含有害化學成份以及經動物測試的護膚品,OUT!
我們期望的是: 每位都能找回自己的健康肌膚!
Time to cleanout your beauty routine! SAY NO to skincare products with toxic ingredients and switch to products with non-toxic and simple ingredients that work.
Owner of Cleanout Beauty is a non-toxic beauty enthusiast who has completed her studies in Diploma of Personal Care Formulation with the Institute of Personal Care Science in 2017 and wish to get people to pay more attention to the ingredients in their skincare.